What is my Browser

Your Browser CCBot
Browser Version 2.0
Your OS
User Agent CCBot/2.0 (https://commoncrawl.org/faq/)

About What is my Browser

About What Is My Browser? Testing Tool?

The browser is a software application that allows you to visit web pages while using the internet. Some of the most popular browsers include Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Internet Explorer. At present, Google Chrome is the most widely used browser in the world, and it is also considered as one of the most convenient, secure, and fastest browser.

You can use different browsers for various reasons. Although some of the differences may seem trivial in nature, it is indeed common for the websites to work fine on one browser and not very well on another. It is, therefore, important to use a handy tool like What is my browser testing tool have the essential information that may help you to troubleshoot a technical issue that could arise due to your browser.

If you are in need to detect your browser info as well as its settings, you are in luck because nowadays many online tools or websites can do browser tests to assist you in identifying what is a browser on a computer, browser version, and other details information of your current browser. Such tools mostly utilize different libraries while looking for the user browser.

What Browser Am I Using? Find Out About Your Browser?

Knowing more about your browser other than just its name comes very handy if you are building a new website and you wish to know how it appears on different browsers. To do this more efficiently you can even install different browsers and then use this tool. Once you know about the browser, now you can modify your website or application accordingly.

If you are using the internet in an internet café, you might want to know about the pre-installed browser that you are using or changing it as per. Most of the regular internet users know well which browser they are using or want to use just by looking at it. The tool is specifically helpful for naïve users, who have just stepped into the vast world of the internet.

What's my Browser Tool Offered By GIWS SEO Tools

What's My Browser is a simple yet efficient tool available at GIWS SEO Tools. The tool is very user-friendly and straightforward that allows you to know the useful browser details as it fetches the information regarding the browser. With the help of this helpful tool, you are not only able to find out about your browser, but once you know all the relevant details, you can also decide whether you need a browser update or not.

GIWS SEO Tools offers you a free and quick browser check tool with an easily manageable interface. What's my browser tool works in an effortless way; you just have to visit GIWS SEO Tools and open What is my web Browser tool from the list of free SEO Tools. This tool identifies what is your browser and its version, user agent, and OS you are using.

In addition to letting you know about the name of your browser (Firefox, chrome, safari, etc) our tool will also help you to know about:

  • Your Browser
  • Browser Version
  • Your OS
  • User Agent
  • Cookies
  • Javascript

At times, a user is using an outdated browser or an older version of a good browser that restricts them from using some of the latest and better features that are not available in that older version. In a situation like that, it becomes necessary to know more about your browser, and that’s when a What is my Browser tool comes into play. There are various ways to find ‘my browser’ or ‘my browser version’, however, the easiest one is to use an online free tool for that.